Learn about a life of true love and about the relationship between your physical self and the eternal spiritual self.
Read the Principle, the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon: https://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Books/DP06/0-Toc.htm

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Learn about the importance of lineage and about the phoenix-like life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Listen to the Podcast

Listen to the Podcast

Learn about the importance of husband and wife being the co-creators of true love, true life and true lineage, and how Adam and Eve were to become the incarnations of God.

Listen to the Podcast

Find out what the one and only Commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve in this discussion.

Listen to the Podcast

#55-Join us for a 10 part series on the Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, Which is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom. We will feature special guests giving commentary each week. Subscribe to Daily Inspiration scripture readings: https://inspiration.visionroot.org/. Read the entire speech: https://www.visionroot.org/resources/rev-sun-myung-moon/the-family-rooted-in-absolute-sexual-ethics/
