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We are in need of a great spiritual re-awakening. The core of this awakening needs to be living for the sake of others. We see this spirit in the movement of the first Great Awakening in the United States in the period around 1740 to 1750. Daryl Bryant writes in an essay in The Coming Kingdom; Essays in American Millennialism & Eschatology

Rather than seeing the millennial kingdom unfolding in the events subsequent to the Awakening, Edwards believed that the Devil had succeeded in turning the movement away from its divine ground.  Consequently, Edwards turned to the development of an account of the Christian life centered on the overcoming of a parochial spirit, on rooting out the demons of self-centeredness in the Christian, the church and the wider culture.  (pp. 48-49)

About Samuel Hopkins, a follower of Jonathan Edwards, Bryant writes:

Central to Hopkins’ theology was a notion of disinterested benevolence.  In this Hopkins followed Edwards’ emphasis on the Christian life as grounded in “consent to being itself.”  For Hopkins, the central dynamic in the Christian life revolved around the overcoming of selfishness and the attainment of a disposition of disinterested benevolence. 

The devil, Satan, and ungodly forces want to crush the spirit of individuals and families through communism in both the East and West, as evidenced by the current lock downs and over bearing government regulations. You can see this in the tracking of people and surveilling them in Wuhan, China. Now we See Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci promoting the same thing in the West.

You can also see this in the agenda of Bill Gates and other godless people.  They want to crush the spirit by taking away religious freedom, force vaccinating everybody and depopulating the world. This directly goes against God’s idea of creation in Genesis 1:28, perfect yourself, have a lot of children and have dominion over the earth.

Vaccine Choice related news from the VisionRoot Blog:

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Let’s tie all the pieces and dots together about this current, supposed crisis for the Chinese Covid-19 disease. 

So the people who are bringing you, so to speak, the Chinese corona virus, or Covid-19 virus are the very same ones who brought you the brutal suppression of the people of Wuhan China and the very same ones who took away the religious rights of people in California and New York, and are trying to do that in New Jersey, and are working on doing it in other places. These are the same people who are gung ho on this response to the Chinese corona virus.

So there are a lot of strange “coincidences” going on and I’d like to go through them and show you why what is going on is godless.

The last simulation for preparedness was Event 201 a rehearsal of a corona virus pandemic organized on October 18, 2910, in New York by Johns Hopkins University, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The article goes on to explain that the Global Health Security Agency was formed in 2014, just after whistleblower William Thompson raised concerns that the CDC Centers for Disease Control was committing fraud in their MMR vaccine safety study.

So, since there was distrust in vaccination US Health and Human Service Department, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccination and immunization and health officials from dozens of countries decided to create a healthy security agenda for the world. They agreed on a priority to achieve 90% measles vaccination coverage around the globe, so soon after that we had the big measles scare, so called in Disneyland in 2014, the Vaxxed movie came out, but unfortunately, the Vaccine Safety Commission which was to be led by Robert F. Kennedy never happened.”

And right now there’s attack on vaccine freedom and freedom in all, basically all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Vaccine Choice Related News from the VisionRoot Blog:

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Good and evil is defined by whether an action leads towards fulfilling God’s Purpose of Creation or not.  Let’s look at three points about the current Covid-19 crisis.

1. Does the decisions or do the decisions that are being made allow freedom of conscience?  Because we know that God created each of us, we must honor freedom of conscience.  If we don’t recognize that God is our Creator, then we were lost.  

2. Secondly, are those making the calls or decisions honest or are they involved in corruption and obfuscation.  We talked in the last video about the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, and how there was misreporting, obfuscation, and lying regarding the statistics about that pandemic.
Another example is that no vaccine has ever been proven to be more safe then deadly. We see that the Pharmaceutical industry never tests any vaccines.  There have also been many, many corruption scandals involving Big Pharma, like the Vioxx scandal and the opioid addiction crisis that was caused by the pharmaceutical industry.
Big Pharma and the US government have colluded together at the detriment of the health of all citizens.

3. Thirdly, do those making these decisions rely on a fear-based model? Yes they do.  Death statistics are promoted without giving the proper context of similar types of deaths in the past and at present.  Where did this whole thing start? It started in communist China, and there it is, a godless state clearly. And we’re relying a lot on their information, but can it be trusted? No. ABC have you been over there to fact check the Chinese Communists to see if their numbers are right?

Government officials have created a completely false narrative.

Vaccine Choice related news from the VisionRoot Blog:

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Evidence from the DTP Vaccine and H1N1 “pandemic”

  There has been a lot of fear-based hype regarding the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS COV-2 virus.  The organization entrusted really with overseeing Public Health, United States as the Centers for Disease Control or CDC, and on the world level, we have the World Health Organization.

But can we trust these organizations based on their previous record?

One very concerning set of evidence comes from Dr. Peter Aaby, a world-renowned researcher who’s worked with vaccines for 40 years.  Dr. Aaby found that children in Guinea Bissau who receive the DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) vaccine were 2.3 times more likely to die than children who did not.  The effect for girls was even greater, with five times more girls dying than boys.  This data was collected in 2003.  Yet the World Health Organization manipulated the data and said that his meticulously researched data was wrong.  Children in Africa are still receiving this vaccine, with thousand being killed by it.  Yet the World Health Organization, coopted by Big Pharma, twists the data and keeps giving the vaccine.

Furthermore, current tests of a new Malaria vaccine will end up killing 2000 to 5000 girls in Africa.  Why do we not hear about this?  Again, it is the corruption exhibited in the Big Pharma-World Health Organization alliance.

Dr Richard Moskiwitz states  in an article written for Children's Health Defense:

"As a GP with more than 50 years experience in treating children and their families, I feel it my duty to speak out against the new vaccine mandates, for three main reasons. The first is that there is no emergency to justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes, let alone keeping them out of school if they refuse. The second is that the research cited to prove that vaccines are safe and effective falls far short of the rigorous standards that valid medical science must follow. The third is that the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration, both of which we helped write and still profess to abide by, explicitly forbid any medical procedure, treatment, or experiment undertaken without the fully-informed consent of the recipient."  .....

As a GP caring for families, I’ve always felt uneasy about giving vaccines routinely, because the diseases they’re designed to prevent are acute illnesses, with high fever and a massive, concerted outpouring of immune mechanisms that succeed in expelling the invading organism from the body, whereas vaccination, by contrast, is by definition a chronic process, involving long-term antibody production as an isolated phenomenon that requires the vaccine organism to remain inside the cells of the host for years, with no obvious path or mechanism for getting rid of it.

In light of the industry’s successful campaign for concealing the harm done by vaccines, the simplest way to approximate the extent of it is to look at it in reverse, at the major health benefits to be acquired by not vaccinating, and simply allowing our children to acquire the ordinary diseases that most of them would naturally be exposed to. Many studies have shown that children who come down with and recover from acute diseases with fever, like measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and influenza, are significantly less likely to develop chronic autoimmune diseases and cancer later in life than those merely vaccinated against them.

Read the complete article at Children's Health Defense:



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