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Greetings {FIRST_NAME}, | February 3, 2015 | ||||
Register Now for STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Part 2
STAR Interfaith Leadership Training raises youth to be leaders who are confident in their decision to remain sexually abstinent before marriage. Who should attend? Celebrate Abstinence Awareness Week March 1 to March 7March 1st marks the beginning of the 10th Annual celebration of Abstinence Awareness Week in Washington, DC. Abstinence Awareness Week is the perfect time to emphasize the benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage to youths as well as adults at schools, organizations and places of worship. The week starts with Abstinence Awareness Sunday on March 1st. It is suggested that all places of worship emphasize the importance of sexual abstinence before marriage in their Sunday message. Schools throughout the DC area are expected to hold assemblies and host various activities that highlight the message of sexual abstinence. See the Abstinence Awareness Week page at for posters and activities. Contact us if you would like assistance with a speaker or peer mentors at your location. Youth from the Urban Life Training Leadership Club at Duke Ellington School of the Arts also plan to meet with Mayor Muriel Bowser, although they have received no response yet to their request to meet with the Mayor. One of the items on the agenda will be the formation of a Right Choices Youth Prevention Corps that emphasizes sexual abstinence. See here for the Right Choices Youth Prevention Corps proposal. Services Provided Relationship Intelligence Education for your school, church or organization.
Urban Life Training is a premier provider of HIV/AIDS prevention services and peer counselor training that is abstinence centered and evidence based. Call Richard at 202-544-5081 to schedule sessions for your school, church or organization. Click here for more information. STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence & Responsibility) Guides are young adults who practice sexual abstinence. STAR Guides teach other youth about the benefits of abstinence, and serve as positive role models. To apply to be a STAR Guide, visit our website and fill out a volunteer application: Click Here.
Richard Urban's Blog: Recent Posts: Freedom of Religion, not Freedom From Religion Right Choices Youth Prevention Corps
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