ULTRA Teen Choice
Character, not Condoms E-Newsletter, July 2008
In this issue:
Left To Right: Sarah ,Alexas and Board Member Victoria at The STAR Guide Accountability Dinner following Youth Forum 2008 |
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Healthy Intimate Relationship Education Program (HI PREP): Every Wednesday Through November: Pilgrim Baptist Church: 700 Eye St.NE 20O02: From 6:30-7:30pm 7/30/08: (HI PREP)Peer Counseling is led by trained Pilgrim Youth. Plus introduction to matched savings accounts by CAAB Plus orientation & sign up for matched savings accounts. See www.caab.org 8/5/08 STOP HIV/AIDS: ULTRA Teen Choice Introduction; 650 Eye St. NE (Blue townhouse on the corner) 7 pm to 8 pm. 8/6/08:(HI PREP) Flame Financial 8/13/08:(HI PREP) Financial Literacy with Cash Flow 101 game:Session 8/20/08 :(HI PREP)“Yes, I Play Chess”: Learn how to play Chess. Session 8/23/08:Training for for peer counselor 8/27/08:(HI PREP)Learning Assertive Techniques: Peer Counseling by trained Pilgrim Youth at Pilgrim Baptist Church 700 Eye St. NE, Washington, DC 20002. . |
Service Opportunities:
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Youth Forum March 8, 2008 at the Wilson Building Washington, DC:By Torkwase Creek On March 8, 2008 ULTRA Teen Choice Sponsored the Youth Forum that included some speakers talking to some teens about the advantage of staying abstinent from sex before marriage. The speakers that came were Miss DC International ,(Rita Sinha), City Council member wards (Harry Thomas, Jr) Ultra Teen Choice Board Member (Victoria Davis), L. Trenton Marsh and Co Founder of Ultra Teen choice (Richard Urban). Miss DC International Started off by introducing the different people on the board and then explaining the different situation about remaining pure until you are married. The first person that came and spoke was Harry Thomas, Jr. Mr. Thomas talked about how abstinence is the best way for young people and your body is your Temple he said that condoms is not the best way to go and that abstinence is the only sure way not to get STD’s or get pregnant. Then Miss DC International also stated the good and bad about staying abstinent until marriage. She was 11 years old when she decided to be abstinent and said she is still a virgin today. She also talked about how she accomplished many of the goals that she had set out to accomplish in her life. She told the teens she joined clubs and other organizations and gave out various information. The next person that came up and talked to us was Victoria Davis. She started out by talking about pregnancy and emotional scarring. Then she stated about STD's and that one shouldn't risk catching then by showing affection and engaging in sexual relationships. Then we had Diane Sims Moore who talked about how she was celibate for 6 years. She also spoke on how you should talk to your children about how it’s not bad to be sexually abstinent till you’re married. Last we had ULTRA Teen Choice co-founder Richard Urban come up and speak about how he got three hundred signatures to send to the council members and Mayor Fenty expressing a desire for an investigation . He said he started clubs for the junior high school and middle school students. In conclusion the Youth Forum stated the meaning of staying pure for your future partner. Also it talked about how the best sex is with your marriage partner. STOP HIV/AIDS Youth Empowerment Meeting: introducing ULTRA Teen Choice youth and the work of ULTRA Teen Choice to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and help DC youth succeed. It is scheduled for Tuesday August, 5 at 650 Eye St Ne at 7 p.m., and every first Tuesday of the month (future locations to be announced). Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. UTC Annual Fund Drive: By Samar'ia Simon ULTRA Teen Choice (UTC) a local nonprofit program, is having its annual fund drive in which they are trying to get local organizations and individuals to donate money towards their youth development program. UTC helps the youth to succeed in life by urging them to set and reach goals through abstinence from drugs, alcohol and sex before marriage. UTC has provided HIV/Aids and pregnancy prevention, education, plus peer counseling to over 300 teens in the last year. Though, over the last few years they have counseled over 5000 students in the D.C. area. They have really encouraged students at schools such as, Eastern Senior High School, School Without walls High School, Kramer Middle School, and Stuart-Hobson Middle School to abstain from drugs, alcohol and sex before marriage. The co-founders of the program, Richard and Stacy Urban are very concerned about today’s youth and how most teens aren’t aware of the consequences of being sexually active at a young age. They are focused on reducing STD’s and teen pregnancy in the D.C. area. The goal of the fundraiser is to get at least 80 pledges to donate $25.00 per month so the program can continue and expand. They have already had over 250 youth participate in the counseling clubs but hope to increase that amount as they serve more schools. They are really looking forward to more donations. You can donate by going to their website at urbanlifetraining.org or contact their office at 202-544-5081. Why would it be good to be abstinent: By Kennethia Hines The reason why I think it is good to be abstinent is if you don’t have sex then you won’t have to worry about being pregnant or getting abortions. Since the 9th grade at Eastern Senior High School. I have been learning more about being abstinent until marriage. It’s good to be abstinent because you won’t have to worry about getting tested every three months for sexually transmitted diseases (stds).Also you can achieve more goals in school and you are able to focus on your academics. And it’s good for your feelings since you won’t be emotionally scarred and worried about catching all of the diseases that are still out here. ULTRA Teen Choice Newsletter " Summer Program”: By Brittany Gillis The 2008 Passport-to-Work Summer Youth Program (SYP) offers 15,000 District youth, ages 14-21, an opportunity to participate in a ten-week temporary job readiness and academic enrichment program. The ten-week summer program began on Monday, June 16 and will end on Friday, August 22. The SYP introduced 4 teenagers to the ULTRA Teen Choice program directed by Richard Urban. In the beginning they were introduced to what exactly ULTRA Teen Choice is. ULTRA Teen Choice means Urban Life Training and Reality Assessment Teen Choice. It helps youth to be successful by choosing abstinence from sex outside of marriage and abstinence from drugs and alcohol through education, peer counseling and clubs. A summer youth participant Torkwase Creek said “the program really gives youth an option as to what they want to do about abstinence. Instead of just promoting condoms he promotes abstinence”. ULTRA Teen Choice goes out to middle, junior and high schools to show the students PowerPoint's and slide presentations and train them in peer counseling. Youth that want support in staying abstinent can join an ULTRA Teen Choice Service Club. During the summer program we have made videos to give out showing some seminars and testimonies made by youth and adults inside and outside the program. We received training from director Richard Urban. We also did telemarketing to get monthly sponsors and donations to the program. We are also going out to other summer youth programs to provide HIV/AIDS prevention programs. If you would like ULTRA Teen Choice to provide an HIV/AIDS services for your summer program contact us at 202-544-5081. We will be learning more about Communications, ULTRA Teen Choice alumni care, donor care and marketing (Graphic, Web Design and Video). Healthy Intimate Personal Relationship Educational Program: By Stacey Urban More than 20 youth are participating in a five-month Healthy Intimate Personal Relationship Education Program which kicked off July 2 at Pilgrim Baptist Church.The program, held Wednesday evenings through November, consists of presenters teaching healthy relationship skills, financial literary and AIDS education. One of the presenters is ULTRA Teen Choice executive director Richard Urban. Other presenters are Cheryl Richardson of Flame Financial and Diane Sims-Moore of Focus Point International.The education is available through funding provided by a grant from the National Center for Fatherhood as part of the Together Is Better campaign.At the July 16th session, the young people were asked to write down five goals they wanted to accomplish in the next five to ten years. Two of the goals were going to college and having a family. Mr. Urban then encouraged them to consider how having a baby as a teenager would affect their reaching their goals. Mr. Urban said: “I think this program can help them succeed, reach their goals and avoid STDs and pregnancy.”“They can learn about the consequences of teen pregnancy,” he added.For more information about the program call 202-544-5081 or go to urbanlifetraining.org Location: Pilgrim Baptist Church 700 Eye St. 20002 NE Time: 6:00-7:30 When: Every Wednesday Starting July 2 Throw November Watch The I am Abstinence Working Video Donate To ULTRA Teen Choice: To Donate Click here. Contact ULTRA Teen Choice: Telephone: 202-544-5081